



即使布馮無法歸隊,但有西里古頂上,義大利在門將這一環戰力不致下降,後防少了迪席里歐,對義大利是有影響,但以整體實力而言,也不至於會嚴重到落敗。上一場哥斯大黎加能贏烏拉圭,是烏拉圭表現太差,哥國和義大利實力還是有落差,對哥國而言,先求不敗再求勝會是比較穩的晉級之路,因此進攻比重可能會不如首戰。進攻上,義大利的超級前鋒巴洛特利和中場老將皮爾洛仍是哥斯大黎加難解的習題,要以2:0小勝應是綽綽有餘。(年代球評傑拉德口述,記者張正邦整理) Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 25 / 30 England fans react at the end of their team's 2014 World Cup Group D soccer match against Uruguay at the Corinthians arena in Sao Paulo June 19, 2014. REUTERS/Damir Sagolj (BRAZIL - Tags: SOCIETY ... 較多England fans react at the end of their team's 2014 World Cup Group D soccer match against Uruguay at the Corinthians arena in Sao Paulo June 19, 2014. REUTERS/Damir Sagolj (BRAZIL - Tags: SOCIETY SOCCER SPORT WORLD CUP) 較少 1 / 30 Reuters | 拍攝者 DAMIR SAGOLJ / REUTERS 2014年6月20日週五 台北標準時間上午5時33分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image

新聞來源https://tw.news.yahoo.com/球評預測-義大利2-0英文情境會話 全民英檢題目哥斯大黎加-221159906.html
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